Peer Reviewers Process

Manuscript Review Process

1. Initial Review by Editor
After a manuscript is submitted, the first step is an initial review by an editor.
a. Suitability Evaluation
The editor will assess whether the manuscript aligns with the focus and scope of the International Journal of Mathematics and Sciences Education (IJMSEd), which includes aspects of mathematics and science education. If the manuscript is deemed unsuitable, the editor may decide to reject it before sending it for further review.
b. Methodological Check
The editor will look for any significant methodological flaws, such as inappropriate research design, selection of methods, or inadequate data analysis.
c. Similarity Check
The similarity score will be assessed using Turnitin software to ensure the originality of the content. If the similarity score is too high, the manuscript may be rejected at this stage.

2. Submission for Review
If the manuscript passes the initial review, it will be sent to at least two anonymous reviewers under a Double Blind Review system, where the identities of both authors and reviewers remain unknown to each other.
a. Reviewer Responsibilities
Reviewers will provide feedback based on specific criteria, including:
- The quality of the research and its contribution to the field of mathematics and science education.
- Clarity and structure of the writing.
- Validity and robustness of the methodology employed.
- Relevance and accuracy of the literature cited.
- Each reviewer is expected to provide constructive comments and suggestions for improvement.
b. Feedback to Authors
After receiving comments from the reviewers, the editor will compile this feedback and send it to the corresponding author.
c. Author Responses
Authors are expected to respond to the reviewers’ comments and suggestions, make the necessary revisions, and return the revised manuscript within a specified timeframe.
d. Editorial Board Meeting
-The suggested decision based on the reviewers' feedback will be discussed in an editorial board meeting.
e. Discussion
The editorial board will consider the reviewers’ feedback as well as the authors' responses. They will discuss the overall quality of the manuscript and its impact on the field of education.
f. Decision Recommendation: Based on this discussion, the editorial board will recommend a decision to the editor.
g. Final Decision
-After the meeting, the editor will communicate the final decision to the corresponding author.
h. Utilizing Feedback
The editor will consider the feedback from the review process and the recommendations from the editorial board to make the final publication decision.

3. Review Timeline
The entire review process is expected to take approximately 4 to 12 weeks. This timeline may vary depending on the speed of reviewers in providing feedback and the time required for authors to complete revisions.

4. Decision Categories
a. Reject
- Manuscripts that are rejected will not be published, and authors will not have the opportunity to resubmit a revised version to IJMSEd.
- Rejection typically occurs if the manuscript does not align with the journal's focus and scope or if there are significant methodological flaws.
b. Resubmit for Review
- Submissions that require substantial revisions will be requested to resubmit after making the necessary changes. This manuscript will undergo a second round of review.
- Authors must address the feedback from reviewers and justify any changes made in the revised manuscript.
c. Accept with Revisions
- Manuscripts receiving an accept-pending-revisions decision will be published in IJMSEd, provided that the authors make the necessary changes, whether minor or major.
- Revisions will be reviewed by an editor to ensure that all requested changes have been made before publication.
d. Accept
- Accepted manuscripts will be published in their current form with no further modifications required.
- This decision indicates that the manuscript is of high quality and meets all the criteria set by the journal.