About the Journal

Polyhedron International Journal in Mathematics Education (PIJME) publishes articles focusing on theoretical, pedagogical, methodological and philosophical topics related to mathematics education at all educational and vocational levels – both formal and informal. PIJME encourages the publication of studies that are of interest and of significant value to the international research community. Thereby promoting a forum for the publication of high quality empirical research and theoretical/philosophical papers that contribute to knowledge of mathematics education. This journal article is published every six months, namely in May and November, and is published by Nashir Al-Kutub Indonesia Publisher.
Journal Tittle:  Polyhedron International Journal in Mathematics Education 
Intials: PIJME
Abbreviation: Polyhedron Int. J. Math. Educ.
Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Muhamad Galang Isnawan
Online-ISSN: 2987-6540
Frequency: Two times a year
DOI: prefix 10.59965 by Crossreff
Publisher: Nashir Al-Kutub Indonesia